Who am I?

My name is Daniel Clayton Greer and I am a fifth (or sixth) generation Colorado Native, a lover of the great outdoors, and a wanderer at heart. I am currently living in Kobe, Japan and working at Universal Studios Japan. I graduated from Stanford University in 2010 with a major in International Relations and a minor in Environmental Engineering. During 2007 and 2008, I lived independently in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Singapore, then studied abroad in Paris, France.

I would like to use this website to share a bit about myself. I’ve had this site in various forms since I was about 12, so there’s always a mixture of old and new. My favorite thing to do is to travel around the world. Whenever I’m not traveling, you may also find me at work, volunteering with SEALNet, or (most likely) spending time with my kids. I consider myself a very lucky person and have had a lot of great opportunities throughout my life.

Primarily, I would consider myself a cynical optimist. I am highly cynical about many people’s actions and choices, and even more so about whether or not humans as a large group are truly capable of sorting out our societies and surviving in the long term. I am optimistic enough to believe that if a few of us really do demand and move towards the change that we want, that the world can move forward equitably and peacefully. We need to distribute resources more efficiently and equally across the planet. We need to address education and health so that our fellow peoples can pull themselves up without the developed world’s help or meddling. And we must make environmental conservation not only a goal, but a priority. Powerful and influential nations (or blocs) like the United States of America and European Union must stop living in another century and start setting a peaceful example for the rest of the world to follow. We need to build up infrastructure and communities that care for one another. If more of us work towards this end, it will come to pass during our lifetimes.

All of the pictures on this website were taken by me all over the world. Please, do not steal the pictures, but do send me a note if you would like to use one.